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What if you didn’t 
have to sit in a
waiting room?

Virtual care helps you feel better faster, no matter where you are or the time of day.

Why you'll love virtual care from MeMD

Real People

No robots here! 
Just real care in real time.

Open 24/7

Getting sick isn’t

convenient — virtual care is.


Pay less than you would

at most walk-in clinics.

Private & Secure

We are HIPAA compliant,

and keep your data safe.

Seeing a doctor 
shouldn’t be so difficult

29.3 days
Blue Monthly Calendar
Average number of days a patient waits 
for a family medicine appointment.
You can’t schedule when you get sick or need mental health care, so why should you have to wait a month for a doctor’s appointment? 

Say hello to MeMD

See a doctor today — not three weeks from today.
We’ve completely redesigned the way patients seek medical & mental health care.
MeMD Laptop with Doctor
of patients satisfied with their experience
of patients satisfied with their Virtual Care provider

People love us

We regularly collect patient feedback and we’re happy to report that our satisfaction scores speak for themselves.


Online exams 
cost less

Why spend more when you don’t have to?

You save $78

Source & MeMD

Happy Patient having a video visit from home

Join the millions of people using virtual care

Connect with an experienced medical provider or therapist on your schedule.

Doctor visits made easy. 
Connect with a licensed medical provider or therapist online 24/7/365.
Made with ♥ in Phoenix, AZ

*If you are experiencing a medical emergency or crisis situation, dial 911 immediately for assistance. 

Telemedicine is not appropriate for a medical, mental health, or behavioral health emergency. 

MeMD offers medical consultations, behavioral health counseling, and talk therapy services via telehealth to patients nationwide. Services are provided in accordance with state law by licensed professionals and are rendered subject to the licensed professionals’ judgment. When medically necessary, MeMD providers may prescribe medication to patients; MeMD does not guarantee that a prescription will be written. MeMD is not a pharmacy or prescription fulfillment warehouse. MeMD is not an insurance product. Virtual Urgent Care visits are not a replacement for a primary care physician.

Our Notice of Privacy Practices and Terms of Use © 2024 MeMD

Corporate Headquarters: 6910 E. Chauncey Lane, Suite 220, Phoenix, AZ 85054

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